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標題: Photo Gallery: Carboniferous Period  
[爬行類] 高級會員
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UID 2531
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註冊 2007-7-25
來自 香港
狀態 離線
Photo Gallery: Carboniferous Period

Characteristic of the Carboniferous period (from about 360 million to 300 million years ago) were its dense and swampy forests, which gave rise to large deposits of peat. Over the eons the peat transformed into rich coal stores in Western Europe and North America. The name "Carboniferous" refers to this coal.

Perfectly preserved for more than 300 million years, a horsetail carries secrets from the Carboniferous period. Primitive vascular plants, horsetails (genus Equisetum) are often found in coal deposits.

The Carboniferous period saw the appearance of the first extensive forests on Earth. The growth of these forests removed huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, leading to a surplus of oxygen. Atmospheric oxygen levels peaked around 35 percent, compared to 21 percent today.

From : Nationalgeographic

2008-4-24 08:01 PM#1
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Franco仔 (震旦紀)
[哺乳類] 金牌會員
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UID 2290
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註冊 2007-6-27
來自 香港
狀態 離線

from about 360 million to 300 million years ago  石炭紀時代


[ 本帖最後由 Franco仔 於 2008-4-24 10:12 PM 編輯 ]

2008-4-24 10:03 PM#2
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[三葉蟲] 註冊會員
Rank: 2

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UID 3138
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註冊 2007-12-29
來自 Mind
狀態 離線

的特點,石炭紀時期(從約3.6億至3.0億年前) ,其密實和沼澤森林,產生了大量的存款,泥炭。超過eons泥炭轉化為豐富的煤店,在西歐和北美。命名為“石炭” ,是指這個煤。

保存以上的3.0億年, horsetail進行秘密從石炭紀。原始的維管束植物, horsetails (屬木賊)經常發現在煤炭儲量。

石炭紀時期,看到出現的第一廣泛的森林在地球上。的增長,這些森林拆除大量的二氧化碳從大氣中,導致了過剩的氧。大氣氧含量達到高峰, 35 %左右相比, 21 %的今天。

來自: nationalgeographic
2008-4-26 11:27 AM#3
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華dee (andylau)
[魚類] 中級會員
Rank: 3Rank: 3

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UID 2896
精華 1
積分 412
帖子 363
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2007-9-26
來自 香港
狀態 離線
2008-4-28 11:22 PM#4
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