c7 時間: 2008-10-3 12:16 AM
路人甲 時間: 2008-10-3 07:39 AM
oh my god!~作者:
Franco仔 時間: 2008-10-3 07:49 PM
Dinosaurprince 時間: 2008-10-4 02:48 AM
thanks for sharing...
But according to the pterasaurus footprint, it already proved that they can fly..
not many of them are not big and heavy.... even pteranodon, we estimated them and concluded they may not heavier than 30 kg....作者:
c7 時間: 2008-10-4 08:23 AM
Dinosaurprince 發覺你好喜歡抱反對的角度啊作者:
Isaac 時間: 2008-10-4 10:59 AM
So u think 12m Quetzalcoatlus were good for climbing trees? The way of flight in pterosaurus is quite different from the avian, so the result will b quite not accurate if calculate the flying ability of pterosaurus with bird's data作者:
c7 時間: 2008-10-13 01:41 AM 標題: 回復 #13 Dinosaurprince 的帖子
but I think they are ignoring the temputure was hotter before. So it gives them more chance to ride with the hot raising air to take off.
Also most of the bigger pterosaurus were predict to living around the coast, and they live up on the cliff, so they also jump off the cliff to gain enough speed to fly.
I would say that reseach is a bias reseach, not totally trustworth作者:
matty_fatty 時間: 2008-12-28 03:14 AM 標題: 回復 #13 Dinosaurprince 的帖子
yea, I think they should use a glider's data is better than bird's