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標題: Jianghanichthys hubeiensis  
[藻類] 新手上路
Rank: 1

UID 4303
精華 0
積分 31
帖子 11
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2009-11-26
狀態 離線
Jianghanichthys hubeiensis

Location: From Yichang City, Hubei Province, China
Age: Early Tertiary period
Size: Matrix is approx 7 x 3.5 cm with the fossil fish at just a touch under 5 cm

This is a gorgeous class Jianghanichthys fossil without any artificial paint. This stunning mini fossil is perfect preservation of the skin and scales, you can even count every bones easily. It is preserved in ancient mudstone. The material is solid and stable, but can disintegrate if it gets damp and should be kept away from water. The natural stone and intricate fossil shapes make a wonderful ornament and a great way to introduce people to natural history.

"Jianghanichthys" (Jianghan referring to the place where it's found, and ichthys the Greek word for 'fish'), was a fish that lived in the Pliocene epoch (5.332 Ma to 1.806 Ma). Fossils of Jianghanichthys have been found in Yichang, Hubei, China. It is also known as Osteohilus or Chan Han Fish. There are still disagreements as to the name and age of this species. Its scientific classification is yet to be decided as well.


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2009-12-2 02:26 PM#1
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[爬行類] 高級會員
Rank: 4

貢獻勳章   演講勳章   傑出會員勳章   榮譽勳章   出席勳章  
UID 2531
精華 2
積分 636
帖子 486
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2007-7-25
來自 香港
狀態 離線

2009-12-2 08:03 PM#2
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[藻類] 新手上路
Rank: 1

UID 4236
精華 0
積分 11
帖子 11
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2009-10-2
來自 浙江杭州
狀態 離線
2009-12-3 02:49 PM#3
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

研究員勳章   版主勳章   貢獻勳章   創意勳章   演講勳章   出席勳章  
精華 1
積分 1884
帖子 1314
閱讀權限 100
註冊 2007-7-19
狀態 離線
thanks for sharing

2009-12-5 07:25 PM#4
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