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標題: 美國發現幼年長頸龍化石並命名為Andrew  
fossilshk (Lung)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

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精華 23
積分 4663
帖子 2775
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-7-14
來自 中國/香港
狀態 離線

[Fossil of young long-necked dinosaur found—and nicknamed Andrew]

Sauropods were the largest animals that ever lived on land. These plant-eating dinosaurs could reach 120 feet in length, and yet their heads were small enough that you could hold its skull in your arms. Despite a robust overall fossil record, until now scientists had only about 12 sauropod skulls from which to build an understanding of how these creatures lived.

Then came Andrew the Diplodocus — the sauropod with the smallest skull ever discovered at less than a foot long (24 cm). Andrew’s skull reveals previously unknown aspects of the animal’s immature anatomy, showing that juveniles were not just smaller versions of adults. Physically, the juveniles were more similar to their ancestors than to their own parents, according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports.

An adult Diplodocus had peg teeth and a wide, square snout, which allowed the dinosaur to graze on softer plants like ferns. Andrew’s skull has peg teeth in the front, a narrow snout and spoonlike spatulate teeth in the back. The spatulate teeth, which are absent in adult Diplodocus, are found in some other sauropod groups.

Spatulate teeth allowed for grazing on tougher, more coarse foods. That Andrew’s skull has both led scientists to believe that younger dinosaurs ate more diverse foods.

“It’s kind of like having a Swiss Army knife in your mouth for teeth. Andrew and other young Diplodocus could basically selectively feed on really any of the different kinds of plants that they wanted to, which makes sense because these dinosaurs grew insanely fast, and so if you’re going to grow really fast you need to have a lot of energy,” said Cary Woodruff, a graduate student at the Royal Ontario Museum, and director of paleontology at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum. “These young sauropods were basically taking Popeye’s message to heart — eat all your greens and you’ll grow up big and strong.”

圖片附件: AndrewDinosaur.jpg (2018-10-15 10:52 PM, 219.89 K)

圖片附件: AndrewSkull.jpg (2018-10-15 10:52 PM, 186.51 K)

2018-10-15 10:52 PM#1
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fossilshk (Lung)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

研究員勳章   版主勳章   貢獻勳章   創意勳章   演講勳章   管理員勳章   榮譽勳章   出席勳章  
精華 23
積分 4663
帖子 2775
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-7-14
來自 中國/香港
狀態 離線

The Smallest Diplodocid Skull Reveals Cranial Ontogeny and Growth-Related Dietary Changes in the Largest Dinosaurs

附件: abbr_Cranial Ontogeny and Growth-Related Dietary Changes in the Largest Dinosaurs.pdf (2018-10-15 10:53 PM, 2.81 M)
該附件被下載次數 1185

2018-10-15 10:53 PM#2
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