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標題: 獸腳亞目恐龍可能同鳥臀目恐龍屬於同一個目  
Dinosaurprince (Dinosaur Prince)
[魚類] 中級會員
Rank: 3Rank: 3

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UID 3198
精華 2
積分 377
帖子 272
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2008-2-5
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線

Hey guys, it is time to rewrite what we know about dinosaur taxonomy now
these two days we have a potential huge change in dinosaur classification in American biology that may change the traditional dinosaur taxonomy completely: theropods and ornithischian dinosaurs are possibly belong to the same clade, ornithoscelida dinosaurs, while the primitive herrerasaurida dinosaurs and sauropods remains to the sauropod clade. As a result, tyrannosaurus rex may be closer to triceratops than titanosaurus instead of vice versa as the traditional thought.  

http://www.iflscience.com/plants ... et-a-major-rewrite/

附件: [nature] nature21700.pdf (2017-3-24 02:39 PM, 2.48 M)
該附件被下載次數 804
2017-3-24 02:39 PM#1
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[魚類] 中級會員
Rank: 3Rank: 3

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UID 31411
精華 0
積分 203
帖子 211
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2013-5-8
狀態 離線

2017-3-24 06:38 PM#2
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fossilshk (Lung)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

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精華 23
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帖子 2771
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-7-14
來自 中國/香港
狀態 離線
一向都覺得恐龍傳統分類好有問題, 是時候來一個大革新

2017-3-24 08:24 PM#3
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Dinosaurprince (Dinosaur Prince)
[魚類] 中級會員
Rank: 3Rank: 3

研究員勳章   創意勳章   演講勳章   傑出會員勳章   出席勳章  
UID 3198
精華 2
積分 377
帖子 272
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2008-2-5
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
回復 #2 trump 的帖子

All saurischia and ornithsichia belong the same family (dinosauria), that the whole clade actually seperate from other dinosaurmorpha and ornithodiran such as pterasaurus and eucoelophysis in the mid-triassic in evolution. So technically, they are in the same family. Now we just want to see if theropods are sister group of ornithischia while theropods and sauropods are cousins in contrast to the traditional view.
2017-3-25 06:56 AM#4
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Dinosaurprince (Dinosaur Prince)
[魚類] 中級會員
Rank: 3Rank: 3

研究員勳章   創意勳章   演講勳章   傑出會員勳章   出席勳章  
UID 3198
精華 2
積分 377
帖子 272
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2008-2-5
來自 Hong Kong
狀態 離線
回復 #3 fossilshk 的帖子

Actually there are lots of flaws in the traditional taxonomy especially classification based on single or two anatomical or morphological features. As some of those features can be results of convergent evolution. Recent molecular analysis of different animals such as earthworm and insect as well as eagle and falcon had shown that those animal are not really relate to each other as previous through. Unfortunately it may be hard to build similar phylogeny trees unless we have more dinosaur protein and DNA sequences found in fossil record otherwise protein and DNA record from the only surviving group of dinosaurs (theropods) and the scarce sample of T. rex and Triceratops protein may be insufficent to build the phylogenetic tree across the dinosaur taxa
2017-3-25 07:06 AM#5
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