積分 4645
帖子 2763
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2006-7-14 來自 中國/香港
狀態 離線
隕石含細菌化石 力證火星有生命 (圖文)
This photograph was taken during the initial processing of ALH84001. Dull, dark fusion crust covers about 80% of the sample.
This photograph shows the sawed face of ALH84001 which has been rotated 90° to the left from the orientation in the slabbing photo. There are actually two cut faces in this photograph. One is on the left side of the rock and represents the original successful cut which separated ,65 from ,0. The face to the right is actually further back in the sample and represents the distance traversed during the attempt to remove the slab. The vertical stripes on the sawed faces were created by friction from the bandsaw blade as it pushed through the rock. These stripes are much more prominent on the second face on the right, indicating the greater difficulty encountered in trying to make the cut. In an effort to minimize contamination, sawing of samples in the Antarctic Meteorite Laboratory at JSC is done in a nitrogen cabinet without any type of lubrication.
This high-resolution scanning electron microscope image shows an unusual tube-like structural form that is less than 1/100th the width of a human hair in size found in meteorite ALH84001. This structure was not part of the published research paper, but it is located in a similar carbonate glob in the sample.
This image taken with an electron microscope shows extremely tiny tubular structures that are possible microscopic fossils of bacteria-like organisms that may have lived on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago. The largest possible fossils found are less than 1/100th the diameter of a human hair in size, wile most are ten times smaller. These fossil-like structures were found in carbonate minerals formed along pre-existing fractures in the meteorite. They were fashioned similar to the way that fossils occur in limestone on Earth, although on a microscopic scale.