[魚類] 中級會員
UID 3203
積分 390
帖子 326
閱讀權限 50
註冊 2008-2-11 來自 香港
狀態 離線
Age of Mammals
As you pass through the Cenozoic Arch, you're entering the most recent era in the history of life on Earth. The Cenozoic is sometimes referred to as the Age of Mammals, a time of experimentation with a wide range of adaptations. Here you will learn that change, not stability, is the nature of our world.
Mammal diversity exploded to include many interesting forms, such as sheep-sized herbivores, fast-running flesh-eaters and small insect-eaters. Beavers, wolf-like Mesonyx, primitive whales, three-toed horses, and rhinos also began to appear.
Visitors can trace the evolution of mammals as they became more modern and recognizable.