恐龍@化石工作室 -Dinosaur @ Fossil Lab

About Us
Dinosaur @ Fossil Lab is Hong Kong's first paleontology and fossil database, and we have done lots of promotional work on paleontology and fossils since 2000. We collect fossils from all over the world, include detailed information about prehistoric life and provide a forum for enthusiasts in order to increase the interest and understanding of fossils of the general public. Also, we actively participate in educational and promotional activities, popular scientific events and exhibitions, including some with the EDB, public libraries and museums, as well as other organizations. We wish to let the public know more about fossils, and from those fossils, the evolution of life on the planet and the history of Earth itself. We are more than happy to welcome and communicate with enthusiasts or people of interest. Have a look.

[Service Area]
- Sales of fossils from all over the world
- Organization of exhibitions, large or little
- Paleontological reconstructions
- Educational work and activities
- Professional fossil repair services
- Guided tour for museum or geology
- Making models of dinosaurs and their skeletal reconstructions

Dinosaur fossils exhibition for 'Jurassic Park 3D'
Exhibition of sea life fossils
Exhibition of dinosaur fossils
Exhibition of fossils (At HK Central library)
Exhibition of fossils (At HK Space museum)
Exhibition of fossils (At HK Science museum)
Exhibition of fossils (At HK Science museum 2)
Seminars and exhibitions
Educational promotion
Exhibition of Paleoart
Interviews and publications
Hong Kong Mineral Fair 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013

[恐龍@化石工作室]2000年成立,香港首個古生物化石網站,多年來致力推動古生物化石普及工作,我們從世界各地搜羅各式各樣的化石標本,於網站發放古生物相關的資訊和提供交流平台,希望讓化石愛好者籍此增加對化石的認識及接觸。另外, 我們亦致力參與古生物的教育、科普、展覽及研究工作等,包括與香港政府的博物館、教育局、圖書館,以及各團體機構合作,望能將化石知識普及化,讓大眾在古生物化石身上認識生物之演化和地球的歷史,歡迎有興趣人士交流或查詢。


參與香港礦物展2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013

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魚 類 Fish 鯊魚牙 Shark teeth 無脊椎動物 Invertebrates 爬蟲及兩棲類 Reptiles/Amphibians
恐龍 Dinosaurs 脊椎動物 Vertebrates 昆蟲 Insects 三葉蟲 Trilobites
植物 Plants 入門級化石 Starter Fossils 珍藏館 Fossilshk's Collection 太空隕石 Meteorites
化石書籍 Fossil Books 模型及道具 Models & Equipment

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