脊椎動物 Vertebrates


Carnivorous mammal skull

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Carnivorous mammal tooth fossil


Period: Miocene (12 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 3 cm
Carnivorous mammal tooth with root
年代: 中新世 (一千二百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 3厘米


Hyena canine tooth fossil


Period: Miocene (12 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 4.7 cm
Carnivorous hyena canine tooth with complete root. Very nice piece.
年代: 中新世 (一千二百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 4.7厘米


Rhinoceros jaw fossil -Hyracodon


Period: Oligocene(30 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 16 cm x 7.5 cm
Hyracodon(Running rhinoceros) is an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. Section of lower jaw contains 4 molars with good preservetion.
Price: USD$283
年代: 漸新世 (三千萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 16 x 7.5厘米
價格:港幣2150 (USD$283)


Rhinoceros molar fossil - Indricotherium


Period: Oligocene (24 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 11 cm x 9 cm
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) is the largest known land mammal, an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. The length was about 8 metres, height about 5 metres. Huge upper molar with good preservation, rare.
年代: 漸新世 (兩千四百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 11 x 9 厘米


Rhinoceros molar fossil - Indricotherium


Period: Oligocene (24 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 16 cm x 10 cm
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) is the largest known land mammal, an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. The length was about 8 metres, height about 5 metres. Huge upper molar with complete root. Very good preservation, rare! Minor restoration to the root.
年代: 漸新世 (兩千四百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 16 x 10 厘米


Rhinoceros molar fossil - Indricotherium


Period: Oligocene (24 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 11 cm x 9 cm
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) is the largest known land mammal, an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. The length was about 8 metres, height about 5 metres. Huge upper molar with root, has good preservation. Very rare.
年代: 漸新世 (兩千四百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 11 x 9厘米


Rhinoceros jaw section with molars fossil- Indricotherium


Period: Oligocene (24 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 18 cm x 12 cm, molar 12 cm x 7 cm & 11 cm x 8 cm
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) is the largest known land mammal, an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. The length was about 8 metres, height about 5 metres. This is a jaw section contains 2 molars with long roots. Huge lower molars with good preservation. Very rare piece.
年代: 漸新世 (兩千四百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 18 x 12 厘米, 臼齒 12 x 7 厘米 & 11 x 8 厘米


Rhinoceros incisor tooth fossil - Indricotherium


Period: Oligocene (24 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 10 cm x 4 cm
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) is the largest known land mammal, an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. The length was about 8 metres, height about 5 metres. Huge incisor tooth with complete root. Unusual fossil.
年代: 漸新世 (兩千四百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 10 x 4厘米


Rhinoceros jaw fossil - Indricotherium


Period: Oligocene (24 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 27 cm x 15 cm
Indricotherium (Paraceratherium) is the largest known land mammal, an extinct genus of hornless rhinoceros. The length was about 8 metres, height about 5 metres. A partial lower jaw belongs to an unusual species of Indricotherium. Big jaw with a pair of long front teeth. Extremely rare fossil!
年代: 漸新世 (兩千四百萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 27 x 15厘米


Entelodon canine tooth fossil


Period: Oligocene (30 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 12.3 cm x 3.6 cm
Entelodon was a monstrous relatives of the boars and pigs. HUGE canine with complete root. Minor repair to the root. Very rare prehistoric beast tooth.
Price: USD$480
年代: 漸新世 (三千萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 12.3 x 3.6 厘米
價格:港幣3650 (USD$480)


Shovel Tusker skull fossil - Platybelodon


Period: Miocene (10 million years old)
Location: Eurasia
Size: 29 cm x 19 cm
Platybelodon is an extinct relatives of the modern day elephant. The lower tusks were flattened and extended out like large shovels. This is a partial upper skull(Maxilla) from the juvenile Shovel Tusker. The molars has good preservation and chewing surface. Very rare. Few restoration to the skull.
年代: 中新世 (一千萬年前)
產地: 歐亞大陸
尺寸: 29 x 19厘米

* 以上全是化石真品,並非複製

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